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Open Source Licensed Used

Error codes,

Unreliable temperature measurement

Significant measurement difference between the main and the protection sensor.

The error is generated when the controller detects a difference between the
sensors’ values of:

  • more than 5 °C when door is closed,
  • more than 20 °C when door is opened (difference is allowed for 60 seconds
    after closing the door before the alarm starts).

Case conditions have been changed since firmware MRW v1.83.

The error is generated during active program when the controller detects a
difference between the sensors’ values of:

  • more than 10 °C when door is closed,
  • more than 20 °C when door is opened (difference is allowed for 20 minutes
    after closing the door before the alarm starts).
Potential cause Remedial action
Stored samples are in direct contact with the sensor, affecting the
sensor’s reading.
Keep the samples clear away from the sensors.
Improper sample placement, restricting air flow inside the cabinet.One
of the sensors is being covered by samples.
Verify sample placement to ensure nominal air flow in the sensors’
area.Refer to ‘Remarks on the placement of samples’ section in
the manual.
Unstable ambient conditions (e.g., air draught). Ensure stable ambient conditions.
The place of the unit installation does not comply with the requirements
in the manual.
Refer to the requirements on ‘the place of installation
section in the manual.
Broken measurement circuit on the controller. Contact Service Department.

<Emergency stop of the program>

Program cannot be continued.

Potential cause Remedial action
If it is generated during segment change, it is a temporary interruption
of internal communication.
One-time event can be ignored.If recurring multiple times, contact
Service Department.
Applies to devices equipped with automatic defrosting.
A high-temperature sample or large amount of non-chilled samples are put
inside the cabinet right after defrosting cycle is finished.As a result,
the device is not able to cool down.
Do not place high-temperature sample or large amount of samples at once
inside the cabinet right after the defrosting cycle (wait at least ~ 5

Despite the automatic defrosting, there is ice/excessive frost
remaining on the evaporator.As a result, the device is not able to
cool down after defrosting cycle most commonly due to ambient
temperature, type of processed samples or sample placement.

Improper defrosting settings are to be checked.

Set longer duration [time] of defrosting and/or set shorter interval
[period] between the cycles.If possible:

Do not store humid samples and/or limit humidity emission in the
chamber (e.g., close the sample containers).

Stored samples are in direct contact with the sensor, affecting the
sensor(s) reading.
Keep the samples clear away from the sensors.
Improper sample placement, restricting air flow inside the cabinet.One
of the sensors is being covered by samples.
Verify sample placement to ensure nominal air flow in the sensors’
area.Refer to ‘Remarks on the placement of samples’ section in
the manual.
When all the above steps are checked and the temperature tends to rise
after defrosting cycle, the refrigeration circuit needs to be inspected.
Contact Service Department.

<Power Noised>
Mains frequency fluctuation.

Potential cause Remedial action
There is disturbance in the electrical circuit that the device is
connected to – the frequency is inconsistent, fluctuating off the
expected 50 / 60Hz.The fluctuation most commonly comes from connected
inverters, generators.

Connect the device to another electrical circuit.The disturbance may
affect the device’s:

  • temperature measurement,
  • chamber fan operation (if the fan speed is set < 100%)

(applies to KKS series only)

<Water alarm level>
No water in the buffer tank – water not
detected on the low-level float switch.

Potential cause Remedial action
  • First use of the device.
  • Reverse osmosis system is emptied after a longer downtime.
  • Service actions previously carried out on reverse osmosis system.

The reverse osmosis system needs to take sufficient water in, it could
be normal condition.If the system is completely empty, it may take ~ 3
hours to fill.

Refer to ‘Reverse osmosis system’ section in the manual for more

Problem with water supply system feeding the device.

Check water installation that is supplying the device:

  • for any broken hoses,
  • to see if inlet valve is open,
  • for proper water pressure.

Refer to ‘Reverse osmosis system’ section in the manual for more
details on the water supply connection.

(applies KKS series only)

Water min level
Minimum water level detected in the buffer tank.

Potential cause Remedial action
  • First use of the device.
  • Reverse osmosis system is emptied after a longer downtime.
  • Service actions previously carried out on reverse osmosis system.

The reverse osmosis system needs to take sufficient water in, it could
be normal condition.If the system is completely empty, it may take ~ 3
hours to fill.

Refer to ‘Reverse osmosis system’ section in the manual for more

Problem with water supply system feeding the device.

Check water installation that is supplying the device:

  • for any broken hoses,
  • to see if inlet valve is open,
  • for proper water pressure.

Refer to ‘Reverse osmosis system’ section in the manual for more
details on the water supply connection.

(applies to units equipped with FIT / fluorescent only)

Potential cause Remedial action
At least one of the light tubes is broken.
  1. Start a program with all light elements turned on.
  2. Identify the tubes that are not operating.
  3. Stop the program.
  4. Unplug the device.
  5. Replace the tube.

MRW Communication Error

The error requires a service analysis. Download and send the diagnostic packet


Open Source Licensed Used

Our SMART/SMART PRO unit controllers use the following components:

Component License
jfoenix 9.0.10 MIT
io.dataFx dataFx 8.0.7 BSD 3-Clause
io.dataFx flow 8.0.1 BSD 3-Clause
fontawesomefx 8.2 Apache 2.0
joda-time 2.10.10 Apache 2.0
org.jfree jfreechart 1.5.0 GNU LGPL
org.jfree jfreechart-fx 1.0.1 GNU LGPL
com.github.kenglxn.qrgen javase 2.6.0 Apache 2.0
org.apache.maven.plugins 2.5.2 Apache 2.0
org.springframework 2.3.10.RELEASE Apache 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson 2.12.3 Apache 2.0 guava 22.0 Apache 2.0
org.mockito mockito-core 3.9.0 MIT
joda-time joda-time 2.10.10 Apache 2.0
org.scream3r jssc 2.8.0 GNU LGPL 3
com.intelligt.modbus jlibmodbus Apache 2.0
commons-io 2.8.0 Apache 2.0
org.slf4j slf4j-ext 1.7.25 MIT
org.powermock Apache 2.0
com.sun.mail javax.mail 1.6.1 CDDL/GPLv2+CE
net.samuelcampos usbdrivedetector 2.0.4 Apache 2.0
net.lingala.zip4j zip4j 1.3.2 Apache 2.0
de.undercouch bson4jackson 2.7.0 Apache 2.0
org.postgresql postgresql 42.2.20 BSD-2-Clause
flask 1.2.2 BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)
pyserial 3.5 BSD License
gunicorn 20.1.0 MIT License (MIT)
itsdangerous 2.0.1 BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)
ntplib 0.4.0 MIT License (MIT)
requests 2.26.0 Apache Software License (Apache 2.0)
librouteros 3.2.0 GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) (GNU GPLv2)
jinja2 3.0.3 BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)
warkzeug 2.0.3 BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)
markupsafe 2.1.1 BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)
certify Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) (MPL-2.0)
charset-normalizer 2.0.12 MIT License (MIT)
click 8.1.3 BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)
colorama 0.4.5 BSD License (BSD)
idna 3.3 BSD License (BSD-3-Clause)
setuptools 65.3.0 MIT License
urllib3 1.26.12 MIT License (MIT)
psycopg2 GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) (LGPL with
Bellsoft Liberica JDK8 GPL2 +
Bellsoft Liberica JDK15 GPL2 +
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL License, a liberal Open Source license, similar to the BSD or
MIT licenses

Licences URL:

Component License
Apache 2.0
BSD 3-Clause
Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) (MPL-2.0)
OSI Approved (Eclipse Public License v2.0 / Eclipse Distribution License
PostgreSQL License